live music, concert Ozzie Mancinelli live music, concert Ozzie Mancinelli

And we're off...

Submitted by an unknown fan from the balcony at a show somewhere in the US. We can tell that it was from a “fly” date since we’re using backlined gear.

Welcome to our new blog! We’re excited to launch this new effort and see how this goes. Our aim is to share news about new shows, post pictures, videos, and other tidbits from shows from across the country, and maybe even some off-stage or backstage shenanigans. Be sure to tune in… hopefully, you’ll find some Tom Foolery to keep you amused! Our first post is a video of a Tom Petty song, performed by the PettyBreakers at an unknown venue somewhere in the United States, submitted by an unknown fan (otherwise we’d gladly give you credit). So if you submit or post any photos of the band in concert on any of our social media pages we may feature it here for all to see!

Thanks again for tuning in and we hope to see you all somewhere down the road!

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